
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

ski trip

 Yesterday,we went to porters ski field at 7:45 am .When we arrived there,we were putting our gears on,someone found hard to put the gear on,but I went to ski before the school ski trip,so I can put them on easily.The shoes that I put on the ski are really heavy,those shoes hurt my legs so much,and made me move clumsy.It took  about 5 minutes walk from the shop to the ski feld.The coach tech us how to stop,and how to put our ski on.I already know how to do it,so I went to the next level very early.I didn´t fall off at the first time because I ski in a striaght line.I fell over  at the second time because the coach told me  to ski like a snake.If I ski in a striaght line,I would go really fast.I would hurt someone and myself.When I try to turn,I lost my balance and I fell over .I was keep pratising.And finally I can turn comfortably.We leave there like 3 o´clock.

I can not put the imagines on my blog.There is some problem. so I just put the link here

Thursday, September 17, 2020

What is your Maori name?

 This week is Te reo Maori language week, We used a website that called my name kupu to search up our name.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Tonga art

 This week is Tongan language week ,This is the lion that I draw and the things beside lion is skulls,that was cost me 1hours and 30 minutes to draw,because it have a lots of details,if I have a thiner pen it will be better,Do you guys like my drawing?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020